The program has two films, The X-Files movie in 1998, and I want to believe in 2008. Genetskimutanti and insect killers global conspiracy due to the colonization of the Earth eenUitheemse, funny, and sometimes scary series created by Chris Carter, since 1993One of the most popular SciFi / drama shows in the world.

This is a long-term performance of Fock in the last nine seasonsAnd focus on FBI agents Fox Mulder, Dana Scale, John Doggett and Monica Reyes and their investigation into paranormal phenomena. In 2008, Entertainment Weekly, the classic sci-fiand named the fourth best TV show for the past 25 years. In 2007 Time magazine was included in the list of 100 best television shows of all time. TV vodičpod called X-Files, the second largest cultTV show and 37th best TV show of all time. X-Files should be seen as a series of nineties, summing up the broad distrust of state interest in samenzveringsteorieen and spirituality and belief in the existence of extraterrestrial life. September 1993 and ending May 19, 2002, 9Seizoenen is running, the show became a hit on Fox Broadcasting Company network and its main characters and slogans («Truth somewhereThere, «Do not trust anyone», «I WANT believe») became pop culture as a bulwark. X-Files is the Peabodi Golden Globe and Emmy American Science Fiction TV series, created by Chris Carter, who was shown the first put10. It combines a mixture of chemicals, Barry will have the opportunity to move super speed and carries his life to solve puzzles, fight and establish who killedHis mother In this secluded hit sizali series Arrow of scientist Barry Allen are exposed to irradiation from a particle accelerator.